API Secure
API Secure is an automated, continuous security service that tracks all of your modern APIs, discovers “Shadow APIs”, generates policy-based alerts, and auto-remediates critical security issues in the cloud.

Data Theorem's API Security product is designed to:
- API Discovery and Inventory
- Security Testing
- Real-time Active Protection
The analyzer engine continuously discovers vulnerabilities in multi-cloud on-premise environments and provides critical alerts and remediation solutions in real-time.
The value of the platform has increased over time. We went from ‘Why do we need this’ to 'We really need this’. It has become increasingly invaluable to the teams and continually challenges us to improve our security posture.

API Discovery and Inventory
How do we do it?
- Blackbox Discovery: No agents, configuration, or maintenance. Just continuous monitoring.
- Cloud Discovery: Discover APIs across multi-cloud enviroments including AWS, Azure, GCP and Private Cloud.
- Gateways: Conslodate inventories from existing API gateway solutions.
- Developer Tools: Integrate into your developer tools to discover APIs as developers build them.

Security Testing
Data Theorem API Secure uses multiple types of security testing to provide the most indepth API security testinng available.
- Static Code Analysis (SAST)
- Dynamic Analysis (DAST)
- Software Compisition Analysis (SCA)
- Fully Customized Testing
- Hacker Toolkits

Protect Your APIs
API Protect takes proactive measures to provide active protection in the following areas:
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Encryption
- Attack Prevention
- Malicious Sites & Domains
- Bot Protection
- API Management
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